General Rules of the School :

Parents are requested :

  • to check the diary every day, help children to submit school assignments on time.
  • Parents are expected to be co-operative with the staff in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lesion and do their home-work as shown in their diaries and by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
  • to ensure that their child does not bring expensive items or a large sum of money to school unless there is a written consent from the school’s side.
  • The parent can pay total fee for the session in two installments i.e first installment in April and second installment in October.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the staff in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lessons and do their home work as mentioned in their diaries by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
  • Parents are particularly requested to sign the progress Report and other reports from teachers sent through the diaries. Students will not be allowed in the class if their reports are not duly signed.
  • Parents/guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the student or meet the teachers during school hours without written permission from the Principal.
  • Parents are particularly requested to sign the progress report and other reports from teachers sent through the diaries. Students will not be allowed to enter the class if their reports are not duly signed, and the school disclaims all responsibility.
  • Parents, guardians or other persons are not allowed to see the pupils or meet the teachers during school hours without the prior sanction of the principal. As the staff should be preferably seen in their off periods, an appointment with them should be made before hand.

Guidelines for the Students :

  • Students are representatives of the school and a student of Space School is expected to set a high standard of behaviour both inside and outside the school premises.
  • To improve expression and fluency in English the school has made it compulsory for students to speak only in English at school and even outside.
  • They are expected to use decent language and treat everyone with respect. Use of offensive language is prohibited. They are expected to be environment friendly and utilize the resources efficiently and in lawful manner, including Information technology etc.
  • Running and shouting in the school building is not allowed. When using staircases and corridors all must keep to the left. Walking or standing around the office area or the visitors, lobby shall be avoided even during recess.
  • Care must be taken of all school property and no students shall scratch on or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident, shall be reported at once to the school authorities. Any damage done will be made good by the student responsible for it.
  • Student should reach his/her scheduled bus stop five minutes before the given time.
  • No leave for absence is granted without written application from parent or guardian and that too only for genuine reasons.
  • In the compulsory for the students to complete 75% of their attendance in a year, to make themselves eligible for appearing in their final examination. Total numbers of meetings are counted from the day of the opening of the school and not from the date of admission of the student. Leave on account of illness etc. is also considered as absence and no relaxation is made in such cases.
  • No examination or unit test will be held for the absentees before or after the scheduled time
  • Late comers, after the first warning, will be sent home and parents will be informed.
  • No student can leave school premises during school hours except with the permission from the principal. Half day leave is not permitted.
  • If a pupil is absent due to sickness, the Principal must be informed at once in writing. When a pupil who has been absent for any reason and returns to the school, he must bring the details duly entered on the leave record page of the diary and signed by the parent or guardian otherwise the pupil will be refused admission and sent home. In this case the school disclaims all responsibility.
  • Pupils not returning punctually to the school after the holidays will have to produce a valid reason of absence.
  • No leave of absence is granted except on a written application from the parent / guardian and that too only for serious reasons. The leave must be entered on the ‘Leave Record´ page of the diary.
  • If a pupil is absent due to sickness, the principal must be informed at once. When a student who has been absent for any reason return to the school, he/she must bring the reason, duly entered on the ‘Attendance Leave Record’ Page of the diary signed by the parents or guardians otherwise the student may be refused admission and sent home. In this case the school disclaims all responsibility.
  • Uniforms: On class days and at school functions, students must wear the school uniform. Students who come to school without proper uniform must bring a note from their parents/ guardians, else they will be sent home and the school disclaims all responsibility.
  • During the recess the student are not allowed to enter the classroom without permission.All students must be particularly careful not throw papers etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the baskets and bins specially provided for the purpose.
  • Personal cleanliness and hygiene is expected from all.
  • At the first bell, i.e. five minutes before the assembly commences, students must go to their respective classes for attendance. At the second bell all the students will assemble for morning assembly.
  • During the absence of the teacher, the monitor assumes responsibility for the order and discipline of the class.
  • When student move along the corridors while changing classes, they must walk in silence and in queue.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school is sufficient reasons for the suspension or dismissal of a pupil. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct in and outside the school. Students are liable to be dismissed or refused conveyance facility of the school due to misbehaviour either in school bus or on streets.
  • No story books, news-papers, periodicals or comics must be brought into the school premises without the Principal's permission.
  • No student is allowed to bring any color or to throw color on any person within the school premises during the Holi season without permission from the Principal. Any child found in possession of color in the school premises will be liable to disciplinary action. Similarly, if color is thrown on the school property/walls, the repair bills for that would be borne by the parents of the concerned students.
  • No student is allowed to bring any kind of fire crackers of the school any child is found I possession of fire crackers in the school premises, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Students must bring with them to school all they require for the day. For security reasons no tiffin boxes/water bottles or any other articles will be accepted at the reception for delivery to the students.
  • Cycles must be kept locked in the place provided. The school will not be responsible for the safety or security of bicycles. No student is permitted to bring a scooter, motorcycle or car to the school.
  • The school is not responsible for any safety of books, money, clothes etc. Students must look after their own belongings. It is not advisable for them to bring valuable articles to school.
  • Girl students shall not wear any jewellery, have longs nails or apply nail polish/kajal, mehandi when they come to school. Boy students must have a proper hair cut at all times. Long hairs, as well as long nails, are not permitted.
  • Any breach of discipline and above all discourtesy and disrespect to the teachers in any way will be taken seriously and students responsible for such misbehaviour will be summarily dismissed or suspended.
  • Students should refrain from damaging any school property. The school reserves the right to be compensated by the student for any such damage.
  • Mobile Phones are strictly forbidden in the School. Any breach of this rule will invite a fine of Rs. 500/-. CD's, pen drives, cameras, IPods etc. are strictly prohibited in the school premises. Students are not allowed to wear digital watches.
  • The engagement of private tutors from the school staff should not be done without the written permission of the Principal.