Procedure For Issue Of Transfer Certificate (TC) :
1. Parents should apply for T.Cs in the prescribed from available at the school office.
2. At least one month’s notice should be given for the withdrawal student or one month’s fees should be deposited in lieu of that.
3. The application for the Transfer Certificate should be signed by the father/mother/legal guardian who had signed the Admission Form at the time of admission of the concerned student. All dues must be cleared before a transfer certificate is issued. No transfer certificate will be issued where a student is withdrawn without prior notice. Any parent who wants to seek Transfer Certificate for their child studying in Space, need to apply in person to the Principal in writing.
4. TC application will not be accepted over telephone, WhatsApp message or sending any third party or relatives with a request.
5. All the outstanding fee for the ongoing session has to be cleared before issuance of Transfer Certificate.
6. Tuition fee for the entire session has to be cleared even if the TC has been applied in the mid-session.
7. After receiving the TC application, minimum two working days will be required to process the application and to make the TC ready to be issued. (After account clearance) Once the TC has been issued, the same student if approaches for rejoining the school, such students will be considered as a fresh/new student and all the fees of new admission has to be paid by the parents.
8. Any student from the school can get the original transfer certificate (TC) only once as per rules. Therefore, the original transfer certificate issued from the portal can also be issued only once.
9. While issuing TC, match the draft TC with all entries in the SR register, so that errors can be corrected in time. Once the TC is issued, any modification in it will not be possible.
10. If there is still an error in the online TC issued as per the above points, due to any modification in the online TC not possible, the original online TC of such students will be retrieved and handwritten from the previous register of SR TC can be issued. On that handwritten TC, it will be necessary to mark the school mirror number of the previously released online TC.
11. When a student from school passes in a class (except the last class of the school), it is naturally upgraded to the next class. In such a situation, the student’s TC will be released as per the new session.
12. TC processing fee Rs. 200.00 will be charged for issuing Transfer Certificate.